No automat logic. Generally, the stage staff needs to notify RM and stats on new warnings and DQs and they will need to make decision and then take appropriate actions.
The PractiScore app for Android provides several tools for RM, MD and stats to review that information and make their decisions.
You can get the “birds view” picture about warnings (and other things) on the “Match Progress” screen which you can open either from the “View Results” screen or from the top menu on the “Edit Shooters/Squads” screen). You can tap on the squad cell there to jump to the shooters scoring screen to see more details.
You can type “warn” in the search field on the “Edit Shooters/Squads” screen to see all shooters that have any warnings and can use shooter’s entry menu (3 dots on the right) to review stages (tap on a stage to jump to scores review).
See other search keywords at Search and filtering options in PractiScore apps -
The warnings also shown on the “Notifications” screen and you can search and filter there either by shooter’s name or