PractiScore scoring app for Android

1.5.23 (October 28, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Added support for Bluetooth link for RangeTech shot timer
  • Added setting for Bluetooth shot timer sensitivity
  • Added history of received time strings on a long tap on the time label

1.5.22 (October 18, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Fixed saving/approving DQ details again
  • Updated translations

1.5.21 (October 18, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Fixed issues with handling of custom power factors
  • Fixed issue with selecting custom match templates
  • Fixed saving/approving DQ details
  • Added support for Bluetooth link for Competition Electronics ProChrono
  • Added support for Bluetooth link for AMG Lab timer
  • Added saving time splits from the timer with the shooter scores
  • Added editing and showing time splits data on review screen
  • Added an option to sort shooter list by country
  • Added TimePlus warnings-penalties into “warn” search keyword
  • Added diagram thumbnails into the classifier selection screen
  • Added option to look at the classifier briefing before selecting it
  • Updated/added default match templates
  • Match Series option to group shooters with no separation by division
  • SCSA removed ISP and SGP division from match templates
  • Steel Challenge added 2019 classifier data

1.5.20 (September 26, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Fixed initial sync of the match categories
  • Added option to export multiple selected matches
  • Added French and German translations
  • TimePlus, IDPA, ICORE and Steel matches improved printing of results on device
  • TimePlus Points with Match Points Entry scoring allows to use 0 Stage Points for absolute points entry
  • TimePlus Points with Match Points Entry stage results show raw points entered before normalized to stage points

1.5.19 (September 11, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Fixed issues with adding/removing stage images/pdfs
  • Fixed team results calculations for time scoring
  • Added indicator in the stage list that stage has diagram
  • Added automatic backup when match is deleted
  • Added an option to share/print squad list from the scoring screen
  • Added walkthrough time in the stage settings
  • Added walkthrough timer to the stage briefing screen (if device has timer provider)
  • Added combined and by-division team results for all match types
  • Added support for posting hidden and password-protected match results
  • Updated translations for Spanish, Norwegian, Polish, Slovak and Russian languages
  • Tournament, Series matches now show correct sub-match type in the match list
  • IPSC/USPSA, ICORE round count and target configurations are loaded from stage text description when importing match with pin# from web site
  • TimePlus SASS fixed match results issue with incomplete scores

1.5.18 (July 17, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Fixed adding shooters when match doesn’t have divisions
  • Fixed sync issue after updating categories for multiple shooters
  • Fixed issue with merging scores when merging stages
  • Steel Challenge fixed issue with combined stage results posted to PractiScore web site
  • IPSC added classes to the awards report
  • SASS fixed showing shooter aliases when generating new-style web site results

1.5.17 (July 7, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Fixed categories and checkins in import/export of registration to CSV
  • Fixed order of screens when scoring on device with locked stages
  • Updated links to PractiScore web site
  • Better handling of sync errors for stage diagrams
  • IPSC export scores timestamp to WinMSS

1.5.16 (Jun 28, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Fixed issue with exporting all results as an archive
  • Fixed order of screens when scoring on device with locked stages

1.5.15 (June 25, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Show number of stages, competitors, etc on the main app screen
  • Edit from review screen now requests reason for editing scores
  • IDPA export to RangeLog first/last names as separate fields
  • IPSC fixed warning on duplicated members when alias/member is not provided
  • IPSC fixed export of Production Optics division to WinMSS
  • IPSC/USPSA added time of day to detailed review report

1.5.14 (Jun 1, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Fixed issue when downloading match images with special characters in the file name
  • Fixed issues with posting match results

1.5.12 (May 29, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Fixed issues with posting html match results
  • Fixed several issues in generating match results
  • Fixed issue with random shuffle
  • Fixed missing password field when posting results to the site
  • Added Tournament/Series results by class and category
  • Added sort by member# for the shooter list screen
  • IDPA fixed ranking for 5x5 classifier
  • IPSC fixed backward compatibility for special penalty percent
  • IPSC added warning on duplicated member#/alias when exporting to WinMSS

1.5.11 (May 20, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Fixed importing shooters only with pin# into the current match
  • Fixed issues with posted html match results
  • Added action to the stage list screen to show complete match briefing
  • Stage briefings are posted with the match results
  • IPSC special penalty is entered as % of the points shot

1.5.10 (May 10, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Fixed issue with editing time with automatic decimal point
  • Updated Polish translation

1.5.9 (May 9, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Don’t show actual division and power factor when adding new shooter
  • Added “decl” filter to show shooters with declared division or PF different from actual
  • IPSC/USPSA better handling of scores with deleted targets
  • Rimfire Challenge updated/renamed match template
  • Steel Challenge fixed issue with posting results to the PractiScore web site

1.5.8 (May 1, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Fixed scored steel hits/misses when stage is edited after scoring started
  • Fixed order of category results
  • On Signing screens the Save button is disabled while nothing is drawn
  • Added search to the classifier selection screen
  • Added copy action to the stage popup menu
  • Added support for stage/classifier library
  • ICORE fixed time calculation
  • ICORE changed Fixed Time scoring to allow misses
  • Steel Challenge added reports for Main, Rimfire and PCC events

1.5.7 (April 15, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system

1.5.5 (April 13, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Fixed posting match series results to PractiScore web site
  • Fixed team results calculation
  • Fixed saving of shooter categories
  • Improved application startup time
  • Improved stage image selection
  • Updated match templates
  • Updated registration spreadsheet export to include categories, checkins, team and country code
  • Added PS club id lookup when posting results
  • Added shooter editing history
  • Added Polish localization
  • Added option to merge shooters when combining matches
  • Removed obsolete export to EzWS
  • IDPA show single-stage classification results
  • TimePlus, TimePlus Points added support for SDQ
  • SASS show number of misses in stage results
  • SASS added rules for match and stage DQs

1.5.4 (February 27, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Fixed writing of local score logs to a removable SD card
  • Fix for uploading match results to PractiScore web site
  • Reset secure match settings when match is cloned
  • Update History action on the Match List screen now erases local shooter’s cache and fills it in with shooters from selected matches
  • IDPA added Carry Optics division into default match templates
  • UML updated match templates

1.5.3 (February 9, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Fixed encoding of the stage briefing preview
  • Added search on new match template/type list screen
  • Added text-to-speech to the stage briefing screen
  • Custom “checkins” added to the search filters
  • Negative search filters prefixed with “!” or “not”
  • NRA editing match targets
  • ProAm, NRA fixed editing negative target field values
  • Steel Challenge, ICORE, IDPA, TimePlus, TimePlus PointsPer added support for per-stage penalties and bonuses

1.5.2 (January 31, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Custom “checkins” (checked in, paid, staff, etc)
  • IPSC WinMSS export updates for Production Optics, Mini-Rifle and ActionAir

1.5.1 (January 10, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Fixed issue with auto-share/print of review results upon Approve when review signature is enabled
  • IDPA added missing PCC classifier stage
  • SASS fixed issue with list of aliases when editing alias field
  • SASS show list of aliases when editing shooter alias field

1.5 (January 10, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Fixed saving of the stage squad rotation
  • Improved application start time
  • Option in the match settings to set automatically Share/Print review results on Approve
  • When local score log is enabled, same folder is also used for Backup files
  • Any match can be used as a custom match template
  • Show briefings for all classifier stages when no briefing is entered
  • ProAm match type and variants initial support
  • NRA match type and variants initial support
  • Chrono stages initial support
  • USPSA fixed diagram for classifier 09-10
  • ICORE added classifiers CS-043, CS-044, CS-045, CS-046, CS-047, CS-048, CS-049
  • IPSC the Member# field is exported into “ics alias” in WinMSS
  • IDPA added new classifier stages