HI, we created a match but selected Affiliation as HF but need to change it to USPSA? I can change it in the Affiliation section but I am not able to edit the registration form to now include the USPA options? Any ideas or help? Thanks
On the website clone the match that is wrong (without the reg form) and correct the sport type. Then create the reg form. Don’t forget to delete the old match.
What if you didn’t catch the error until after the match has been run and scored. I cloned a hit factor match, did not know how to change the match type, so left it as hit factor. When I try to upload to USPSA, the uploader doesn’t recognize the match. I don’t want to have to rebuild the match and enter everyone’s scores again. Is there a way the type can be changed?
Clone the match with scores box checked. On the “cloned” match go to edit. In the blank subtype line type “USPSA” and then save button.
Check below the name of the cloned match to see that it says USPSA instead of None.
Now in Edit rename the match to the correct name. Then you can post results and when that shows up on the web site. (15 min or so) you can download that match file.
Where is the “scores” box? I only see an option to include shooters.
I cloned the match and included shooters. Then I edited the match name and type. But I don’t know how to tell if the scores have been included.
Also I would prefer it if you used an email account that actually has a practiscore account attached to it. The one you’re using here does not.
My screen does not look like that when I go to clone a match. I sincerely apologize about the email account. I did not realize this message board was using my email account. I have no idea how to fix that? I have signed in using the email account that I use for practiscore: d2_driscoll@yahoo.com. I am not very technologically savvy and I totally apologize for that. It may just be easier for me to just copy down everyone’s scores and redo that match?
Ok, never mind. Now I feel like a total idiot. I have found that screen. I am terribly sorry for taking up your time. Thank you for your help.