2nd gun classifier

We shot a USPSA match today with a classifier. About half of the shooters wanted to shoot a second gun in the classifier only. We were debating on registering all the guns with classifier on squad 1 and put all the 2nd guns shot in the classifier on squad 2 and DNF those second guns during the main match. We ended up creating a 2nd match which was the 2nd gun classifier but now USPSA is saying we can’t upload 2 matches. I know you used to be able to do a re-entry but do not see that option anymore.
How can we set up a 2nd gun only classifier in Practiscore that is acceptable to USPSA?

Thank You


@Kevin_Feller this question is better be addressed to USPSA. After all you want your results accepted by them.

It’s easier if you just put them all in one match and DNF the other stages. This way the csv file to USPSA will recognize your match file. The file will differentiate between the two runs by adding a 1 and 2 after the shooter’s names. You’ll just want to make sure you have the shooter’s USPSA number for both guns.